Linear Regression Bias
May 24, 2024
This post aims to show the impact and importance of the bias term in linear regression models. Linear regression models take the form
$$ \hat{y} = \beta_{0} + \sum_{j=1}^{p} \beta_{j} X_{j} $$for inputs $X_{1}, \ldots, X_{p}$ (i.e. there are $p$ features).
I will be using the Kaggle housing prices dataset as a simple example, despite the collinearity of the data. We’ll start by getting the data
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv(DATA_PATH)
Some basic preprocessing:
# Transform categorical data
data = pd.get_dummies(data, drop_first=True, dtype=int)
Y = data['price']
X = data.drop('price', axis=1)
# Standardize
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()
X = pd.DataFrame(scaler.fit_transform(X), columns=X.columns)
And then we add the bias term to $X$
X['bias'] = 1
X, Y = X.to_numpy(), Y.to_numpy()
Now we will compute the coefficients $\beta$ analytically using the Normal Equation
$$ \beta = (X^{T}X)^{-1} X^{T} y $$and then use the coefficient vector to calculate $\hat{y}$ and the mean squared error
beta = np.linalg.inv(
Yhat =
mse = np.mean((Yhat - Y) ** 2)
Now, we will see what happens when we follow the same procedure but without adding the bias term. All other steps remain the same.
Coefficient | With bias | Without bias |
Area | 529330.60363747 | 529330.60363747 |
Bedrooms | 84642.78885355 | 84642.78885355 |
Bathrooms | 495817.70908537 | 495817.70908537 |
Stories | 390748.2656748 | 390748.2656748 |
Parking | 238532.39119855 | 238532.39119855 |
Main road | 146735.42974425 | 146735.42974425 |
Guest room | 114950.32935761 | 114950.32935761 |
Basement | 167040.77163767 | 167040.77163767 |
Hot water | 178965.10323907 | 178965.10323907 |
A/C | 401991.91011608 | 401991.91011608 |
Preferred area | 276197.74367233 | 276197.74367233 |
Semi-furnished | -22847.00683726 | -22847.00683726 |
Unfurnished | -192857.24250658 | -192857.24250658 |
Bias | 4766729.24770643 | N/A |
And we can see the significant improvement in the mean squared error:
With bias | Without bias | |
Mean squared error | 1111187722284.4001 | 23832895443224.234 |
A 21x improvement! The plot comparing the two is even more enlightening.
You can literally see the intercept term at work “lifting” the predictions and why it makes such a simple, yet impressive difference in the performance of the model.